鉆 井 井 架 工 逃 生 裝 置
Safety Operation Specification for
Drill Derrickmen Escape Device
Tian Jin Bin Hai New Area Da Gang Xing Huo Yuan CO., L TD
電話/傳真: 022-25939903
Tel./Fax: 022-25939903
Safety Operation Specification for Drilling Derrickmen Escape Device
1. Technical Performances and Properties of Products
1.1產品基礎資料 Basic Data on Products
Equipment model: RG10D
Product executive standard: EN341
Permissible downslip height: 100M
Maximum downslip load: 130kg
1.2用 途:當遇到井噴、失火或大風等情況,不能利用垂直攀梯逃生時,井架工可利用此高空逃生裝置快速安全地從高空逃離危險區。Purpose: When situations e.g. blowout, on fire or strong wind occur and vertical climb ladders are not used for escape, the derrickmen use this overhead escape device for rapid and safe escape from dangerous area at high altitude.
本裝置可用于一人或多人連續從高空以一定(均勻的)速度安全、快速地下落到地面。This device can be used by one or more person to safely and rapidly drop down to the ground at certain (uniform) speed.
Composition and Functions of Escape Device(Scheme as shown in the following page)
①②Suspension body—used for installation and fixing guide line and descending device, and protecting descending device. The fixing point on the whole set of device is fixed and attached to the derrick through rope slings.
③RG10D descending device—automatically keep consistency of descending speed, and pull the rope up and down round the descending device for upward and downward movements.
④Guide line—used for guiding downslip path, assuming load, and connection upward to the suspension body and downward to ground anchor.
⑤ Manual controller ABS-12—used for manual adjustment of downslip speed, and upward and downward movememt along guide line.
⑥⑦ Up (down) pulling line—also termed as restricted speed pulling line, connected to two manual controllers round descending device to restrict downslip speed.
⑧ Ground anchor (escape landing point)—fixing lower end of guide line, and buried about 1.2m underground.
⑨ Multi-function safety belt—used for maintaining uniform stress of human body, comfort and safe, connected to the two hookups on the manual controller;
①②—Installation of suspension body (installation at least 3M above 2nd floor platform)
③—descending device
④—guide line (70 derrick guide line in length of 75M, 50 derrick guide line in length of 55M, inclusion angle of 30~75 degrees between guide line and ground, optimum angle of 45 degrees)
⑤—Manual controller
⑥⑦—Upper (lower) pulling line
⑧—Ground anchor (installation 4M from two ground anchors)
⑨—Multi-function safety belt
3. Installation Procedure
3.1檢 驗3.1 Inspection
3.1.1 This device consists of the following components and parts:
(1) Φ13×2m suspension steel sling, 1 piece
(2) 懸掛體1個;
(2) Suspension body, 1
(3) 緩降器帶Φ5拉繩1套;
(3) Descending device with Φ5 pulling line, 1 set
(4) Φ10導向繩2條;
(4) Φ10, guiding lines, 2 pieces
(5) 手動制動器2套;
(5) Manual brake, 2 sets
(6) 地錨2個;
(6) Ground anchor, 2
(7) 多功能安全帶 1 套;
(7) Multi-function safety belt, 1 set
(8) M18花籃螺絲2個;
(8) M18 turnbuckle, 2
(9) 高強度螺栓M24×150 2套;
(9) M24X150 high strength bolts, 2 sets
(10) Φ10鋼絲繩卡子6個。
(10) Φ10 wire rope clips, 6
3.1.2 本裝置在使用前必須進行檢查,檢查零部件是否齊全,有無損壞,然后輪換拉動緩降器兩邊的拉繩,拉繩必須有一個較大的抗拉阻力,如果對逃生裝置的安全性能或某些零件有懷疑時,應立即通知授權單位派人來檢查處理。
Perform inspection on this device before use to make sure that the components and parts are complete and not damaged, then pull the pulling lines on both sides of the descending device. The pulling line must encounter a rather great tension resistance. In case of doubt with safety performance of escape device or certain parts, immediately notify the authorized unit to dispatch person for inspection and handling.
Parts deformed due to extrusion by heavy objects are prohibited from use, but instead returned to the manufacturer or duly authorized agents for maintenance and new testing. Upon completion of once life saving, the manufacturer or professional shall be requested to inspect this product.
The system of this device shall be checked by the manufacturer or professionals with duly authorized agent when the descending distance adds up to 1000m or with frequency of once per year.
Notes: Damaged parts may not be used.
This product may not be subject to any change.
Any part of this system may not be replaced.
3.2安裝逃生裝置用的主要工具: Main tools used for installation of escape device:
(1) 梅花扳手:19-22,30-32各2把;13-16,8-10各1把;
(1) Ring wrench: 2 per 19-22 and 30-32; 1 per 13-16 and 8-10;
(2) Adjustable wrench: 1 per 18〞 and 15〞
(3) 1 pliers
(4) 1 flat screwdriver
Installation procedure
3.3.1 Move a set of suspension body, descending device, guide line and manual controller to 1st floor platform, and bind the said articles with Φ13 wire rope properly and lift them onto 2nd floor platform. Two persons climb to the 2nd floor platform and take off the lifted articles and position them in suitable way.
3.3.2 Installation of suspension body: Select the installation position of suspension body properly, and reel the sling rope around the derrick cross point about 3M above platform, open the M20 set bolt of the suspension body, and pass the U-ring through the sling rope loop, and then tighten the retainer nut of M20 bolt.
Note: The retainer nut is tightened into position for preventing loosening.
3.3.3 Installation of descening life line: Open the M12 set bolt in the middle of suspension body, go through the lift lug above the descending device and tighten the nut, and exercise care to open the louvre of the descending device. Pass the upper and lower pulling lines through the descending device, and hook one end of the hook of pulling line for the descending device to the manual controller above, and the other end to the ground to facilitate connection to another manual controller underside.
Notes: The upper and lower pulling lines may not intertwine with the guide line.
Open the louvre of descending device.
3.3.4 Installation of guide line and manual controller: Open the M12 set bolt and sleeves on the two bottom corners of the suspension body, go through the guide line snap ring, and tighten the nut. Install a manual controller ⑤ each on the two guide lines, and pass the guide line through the empty slot (guide slot totally enclosed with guide line) of the manual controller, and the manual controller moves up and down the two guide lines. Pass one of them through guide slot of the upper manual controller and in direction of ground; install the other guide line properly in direction of the ground to prepare for going through another set of manual controller. The lengths of upper and lower guide lines depend upon the length of guide line, and must guarantee that one of the manual controller is on the upper 2nd floor platform, and the other on the lower ground anchor. The alternate up and down movement of the manual controllers can realize continuous escape of many persons.
3.3.5 多功能安全帶⑨用尼龍塑料做成,可適用于不同身材的人穿戴,它有多個方位的連接環,可在多個不同的作業環境中使用,以保證高空作業人員在攀升、高空作業和下降時安全。
3.3.5 The multi-function safety belt ⑨ is made of nylon plastics, and suitable for wearing by people of different shapes. It has connection rings of multiple orientations, and thus can be used under different operation environments to ensure safety of overhead operators during climbing, overhead operation and descending.
Warning: The operators on 2nd floor platform shall at all times wear properly the special safety belt for escape to be ready for use at any time for escape.
Notes: The suspension loop for manual controller faces upward.
3.3.6 Installation of ground anchor: Select properly the ground anchor location, and screw in the ground anchor. The spacing between two ground anchors may not be smaller than 4m. The screw-down depth for ground anchor shall be 1~1.1m. Open the M24 high strength bolt, and go through the eye ring of M18 turnbuckle and tighten the nut. Pass the guide line already passing through manual controller through another eye ring of turnbuckle, pull tight, and clamp tight the 3 M10 wire rope clips, adjust the tightness properly, and cut off or reel up redundant wire ropes, and wrap the pigtail with waterproof adhesive tapes. Pass another guide line throuh another manual controller, and fix the guide line to another ground anchor with the same method as above, and adjust the tightness properly.
Notes: 1. The guide line may not be overtight, but instead should be slacker than the derrick line, to avoid damage to guide line due to tension force from swaying of derricks.
2. The inclusion angles between guide line and ground are 30~75 degrees, optimum inclusion angle of 45 degrees.
3.3.7 Hook one end of the pulling line for descending device to the lower manual controller’s suspension ring, adjust the tightness properly. Loosen the lower manual controller, and insert the red warning tag so that the manual controller is in relaxed state.
Note: Keep the red warning tag intact at all times and insert it in the lower manual controller to avoid locking, unsmooth downslip and delay to escape.
4. Use of Escape Device
4.1 When a derrickman meets emergency situations in work, he should immediately hang the two hooks on manual controller ⑤ to the connection rings on the safety belt in waist place (Note: The safety rope may not be released before the two hooks are connected properly to the two connection rings and locked tight, which guarantees the safety during connection), with one hand grasping the handle of manual controller and rotate the handle to the near-fasten position (to avoid sense of fear to the downslipper in case of sudden descending), rotate the handle so that the manual controller is in open position, and the manual controller slips down in constant speed along guide line ④, and the derrickman just opens the two hooks on the manual controller when landing on the ground. Then the lower manual controller shall be pulled with upper pulling line ⑥ to 2nd floor platform of the derrick to be prepared for the next escape. Each time after use, the red warning tag should be stuck on the manual controller to prevent the manual controller from being locked tight and furthermore inability of normal slipdown of the upper manual controller, while the warning tag on the upper manual controller should be timely taken down.
Under special emergencies, such as rescue for wounded or disabled persons and kids, other delivery tools such as stretcher and basket can be connected to the escape device upon being fixed, to realize the purpose of escape.
4. Use of Escape Device
4.1 When a derrickman meets emergency situations in work, he should immediately hang the two hooks on manual controller ⑤ to the connection rings on the safety belt in waist place (Note: The safety rope may not be released before the two hooks are connected properly to the two connection rings and locked tight, which guarantees the safety during connection), with one hand grasping the handle of manual controller and rotate the handle to the near-fasten position (to avoid sense of fear to the downslipper in case of sudden descending), rotate the handle so that the manual controller is in open position, and the manual controller slips down in constant speed along guide line ④, and the derrickman just opens the two hooks on the manual controller when landing on the ground. Then the lower manual controller shall be pulled with upper pulling line ⑥ to 2nd floor platform of the derrick to be prepared for the next escape. Each time after use, the red warning tag should be stuck on the manual controller to prevent the manual controller from being locked tight and furthermore inability of normal slipdown of the upper manual controller, while the warning tag on the upper manual controller should be timely taken down.
Under special emergencies, such as rescue for wounded or disabled persons and kids, other delivery tools such as stretcher and basket can be connected to the escape device upon being fixed, to realize the purpose of escape.
5、ABS-12 Manual Controller
To meet the regulations of German Mining Bureau, the life saving system during downslip such as drilling derrick requires an additional downslip manual controller. When the downslip device has any problem due to inclement weather such as rainfall, frost and ocean environment, this manual controller shall be used as auxiliary brake.
The manual controller consists of sliding body, brake shoe and connection safety belt, featuring high level of manufacture and anti-lock function. The process of adjusting the sliding speed by rotating handle can be accomplished by only one hand. The sliding body is in shape of circular groove, and therefore conducive to sliding movement and reducing friction to the descending line. The hookup is connected to manual controller through wire rope. The hookup must be locked and anti-release.
6、Downslip Test Procedure
6.1在地面由3人使勁拉扯導向繩,檢查地錨是否松動,其他連接是否牢固。Arrange three persons on the ground to exert all their strengths in pulling the guide line, check if the ground anchor is loosened, and if other connections are secure.
6.2檢查下方手動控制器是否處于放松狀態,插入紅色警示牌 Check if the lower manual controller is in relaxation state, and insert the red warning tag.
6.3在二層平臺上用手來回反復拉動緩降器拉繩,檢查是否正常,確信正常后再投入使用。 Pull the pulling line of descending device back and forth with hands on 2nd floor platform, and check if the lines are normal, and make sure normal before putting into use.
6. 4將安全繩拴好,穿好多功能安全帶,擰緊上方手動控制器,將手控制器掛鉤掛在安全帶腰部的兩個掛環上,
Fasten the safety rope properly, and wear the multi-function safety belt properly, tighten the upper manual controller, and hang the manual controller hook to the two hanging rings on the waist of safety belt, and then loosen the safety rope.
6.5 After verifying normal function of manual controller, leave the derrick, loosen the manual controller to keep down slippage at uniform rate, take off the safety belt upon slipping down to the ground, and insert the red warning tag into the manual controller to keep its relaxation state.
6.6 The escape device guarantees its uniform downslip rate with its descending device during downslip, and can drop down to very slow rate with manual controller when close to ground to ensure steady landing of the escaper and avoid use of buffer device on the ground.
Notes: The downslip testing is demonstrated by trained professional or done under guidance of trained professional.
7. Safety Management Rules
7.1 This device may not be put into operation until it has been qualified upon check and acceptance.
7.2 The safety personnel and derrickmen in the drilling crew must be qualified upon training by an authorized organization, and the newly replaced safety personnel and derrickmen must be subject to formal training before use of this device.
7.3 This device serves the only purpose of escape, and may not be used for fall protection or other purposes.
7.4 This device can only be used by one person each time, and may not carry heavy objects.
7.5 This device must be inspected and maintained by authorized unit every cumulative downslip distance of 1000m or at least annually to prevent the components from damage or inflexible operation and furthermore delay escape.
7.6 This device must be properly protected during removal and transportation so that the components are not squeezed or damaged. The reinstallation must strictly be operated strictly in accordance with the above installation procedure and downslip test procedure.
7.7 The wire rope is prohibited from contact with any sharp object, welding spark or any other items possibly damaging wire rope. The wire rope may not be used as welding earth wire or for lifting heavy objects.
7.8 The guide line shall be kept clean and smooth, and free from any hindrances influencing safety use such as oil sludge or ice dam.
7.9 This device may not be close to flame source, and must be kept away from corrosive acid or caustic liquid and oil products.
7.10 This system shall be properly protected, maintained its perfect condition and prevented from theft and damage.
8. Maintenance
8.1 This device must be maintained once every cumulative downslip distance of 1000m or at least annually.
8.2 Pay attention to maintenance of this device, and add oil properly to the oil port, maintain cleanliness of the whole device so that the whole set of device is in ready-for-use condition.
8.3 Pay attention to maintenance of the wire rope. The wire rope should be prevented from rusting, coiled orderly for removal and relocation, and avoided damage from squeezing and bending and inability to work with manual controller or descending device.
9. Training
The professionals of the authorized organization provide training to the customer’s safety officers and users. For any replacement of safety officer or user, the new officers or users must be subject to the same training as for the replaced officers or users.
10. Optional Parts
The concrete heavy lump can be used to replace ground anchor in accordance with the difference in geographical conditions and installation conditions where the user is located.
The heavy lump is made as per the attached figure.
根據計算重坨的重量為≥1000kg 。
The weight of heavy is ≥1000kg on basis of calculation.
The heavy lump is suitable for use on the surfaces of desert, cement, stone plate and steel, but unsuitable for use on ice surface.
Notes: When using heavy lumps, the inclusion angle between guide line and ground should be greater than 30 degrees, preferably between 45 and 60 degrees.
Tian Jin Bin Hai New Area Da Gang Xing Huo Yuan CO., L TD.
電話: 022-25939903 13312152517
Tel.: 022-25939903 13312152517
網址: www.xinkang2.com
Website: www.xinkang2.com